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Denton County Master Gardener Association is currently recruiting candidates for its 2017 Master Gardener class.  Applications are open for Denton County residents committed to learning sustainable, evidence-based gardening practices and sharing that education with the community as an active volunteer.  Interested individuals can visit for more information on how to become a certified Texas Master Gardener, as well as access the online application. The deadline for applications is October 14, 2016.  The 2017 class begins January 31 and is held each Tuesday through May 2. 

Over 250 Texas Master Gardeners live in Denton County who actively share their horticultural knowledge with individuals and groups throughout the county.  "As our county continues to attract new residents at unprecedented rates from across the country, our local resources will become more strained.  Its important to the future of our community for our volunteers help residents learn how to grow beautiful and bountiful gardens while conserving and protecting precious resources of water and soil," reports Raeline Nobles, Chair of DCMGA's Recruitment, Training & Class Administration.  "Our training is rigorous and provided by some of the best horticultural experts Texas A&M University and Texas AgriLife Extension Service has to offer. Our trainees have great fun learning and meeting wonderful people who share their passion for gardening and educating the public," states Denton County Horticultural Extension Agent, Janet Laminack. 

DCMGA will hold its annual Round Up recruitment event for all interested residents to learn more about its training and programs On October 14, 2016 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 noon.  Round is held at the Joseph A. Carroll Administrative Building located at 401 W. Hickory Street in Denton. Participants will hear from veteran Master Gardeners, trainers and the Denton County Extension Agent on the process for becoming a Texas Master Gardener and the impact DCMGA's volunteers have on creating sustainable private and public gardens through educational and "hands in the dirt" efforts.  For more information on Round Up and how to become a Texas Master Gardener, visit